Sunday, February 16, 2014

Dictating a Blog

my first post for this blog is an experiment. I am attempting to write my photo blog postwith the speech to text app on my you can tell some of the words don't come out quite right. return returnand I can't seem to figure out how to make a

except of course when I attempted to use the word new paragraph.  since this is an experiment designed to help students who might not be able to type on their own I have renamed my blog  .the title comes from a quotation that is attributed 2 I'm Stein.the previous should have read Albert Einstein.the quotation have to do with the fact that if you expect a fish to climb a tree the fish will live its life thinking its stupid. According to the quote investigatorthis does not come from Albert Einstein but rather from an allegory buy an education author:who wrote in the late 18 hundreds. I still adore the quotation. I often tell my students that some of them won't be good at computers, but it doesn't matter because they are good at other things. I use this quotation to explain myself.  I do explain to them know that sometimes I will need them to climb that tree.  we talked about building them little environmental suits so that they can climb the tree.

Once when I was discussing this, a student looked at me and said couldn't we just plant the tree under water.  and this is why we need to listen to our students.

** Typed notation: I decided not to edit this when I was done. For those of you working with older student with educational challenges - would this get them far enough so that they could edit and make it readable?  For those of you working with younger students - would this be readable without editing?
The website for the Quote Investigator is (This particular article is quite interesting - all about teaching children in a way they can learn.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahahaha.. I just realized that the title of your blog comes from Einstein's quote "If you judge a fish on his ability to climb a tree, his whole life he will think he is dumb." We use this quote when it comes to judging students as a group instead of on their individual abilities and what they are capable of doing.

  3. Hello!

    I know we were only supposed to comment on the blogs of our group members, but I wanted to say I REALLY liked your blog name and your first blog post! I think this would definitely be a way to help students access and share information. We have a high population of non-verbal students in my building, so this is a great way to help them participate in class discussions! Thank you :)

  4. Juliana - I'm so glad you responded! I think I might start posting around too - everybody has such interesting blogs... they are a little looser than our class discussion posts.

  5. At first, I forgot that you started the blog with saying this is an experiment. When I began reading your blog I was thinking "was she typing this on her cell phone?" then went back and remembered how you were trying to show that some students may have a difficult time with the typing aspect. I work with Kindergarten students and some of them have never been in school or have access to computers outside of school. Unfortunately, we do not have set computer lab time or instructors in my's pretty bad, so sometimes it gets hard to implement technology. Luckily, I have a great amount of students that know how to use a computer, but not the keyboard (if that makes sense). Some of my students read way above their grade level while others are still learning, but even my advanced readers would've had trouble reading this paragraph.

    1. Angela - I dictated this entire post with the speech to text capability of my phone. I left it unedited so that folks could make an assessment as to whether older kids with writing issues could edit their own posts when they were done dictating them and whether a teacher could decipher a younger child's post without editing. What do you think?
